Monday, May 12, 2008

2nd Saturday and what's next

Hey Everyone,

Well we sold some sock monkeys at Olipom this weekend. We still have several left, and we plan to sell them on campus and on our show date. The space is really cool, and Olivia is excited to work with us on setting stuff up. We still have a month to complete our projects (see list below) and I am going to be working on some advertising materials, with the help of everyone else of course! Starting now we will be working to update the look of this blog for the show, making handbill flyers and doing a few guerrilla marketing campaigns to spread the word. Please talk to your friends and let them know the show date: June 14th. Now is the time to come to meetings and work together to get our projects done before June 9th. Also, if you haven't already, get photos of collabers to work on for the portrait project. You can get them from Devin or from me. The next meeting is Tuesday at 7 at my house! Hope to see you all there!


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