Thursday, May 1, 2008

New URL & Venue Viewing

EDIT: My mistake! May 10th is 2nd Saturday! Obviously, second, saturday. der.

Good morning all,
Milan here. Just a quick announcement that the url has finally changed from 07 to 08 (an easier adjustment than I thought), and that Second Saturday is this week, Saturday May 3rd from about 6-10 pm. It's going to be great weather this weekend, so carpool, grab a drink, walk around the spring night, have a late dinner in Downtown Sac.

Most importantly, I highly encourage you to check out our venue OLIPOM and get a feel of the space and optimize your projects around that. =) The better we plan the more fun we'll have. (I sound like my mom, ugh)

Alrighty y'all, forgive me for the mass emails and such, but I feel inspired to get more involved. I got a good feeling about this =)


PS) Thank gosh for the new second saturday website, if any of your remember what it used to look like. Whew!

1115 21st St
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 442-4470


corinemarie said...

oh no!

Second Saturday is next next weekend: May 10th
Here's a link to Olipom's myspace profile so everyone can see how lovely it is and what they've got going on.



Milan said...

Site Changes: Bored at work, playing with the html a bit. Pardon the tweaking!

Milan said...

ps) how did last nights meeting go? Updates please!