so people seem to be getting confused about how this is going and who has who and all this garbage, so im hoping i can clean everything up a little.
SIZE: tabloid (11"x17") - vertical orientation!
MEDIA: anything! computer printout, hand drawn, painted, whatever.
STYLE: anything again! the only restriction is that the composition of the person doesn't stray very far from the origin idea of them oriented in the center of the work. this, besides the size and the frames for the work, will be the only consistent part of the project.
SUBMISSION: please bring your finished works to any of the CO/LAB meetings to have them either re-distributed or submitted as a final work to be framed and hung in the show.
GETTING A PERSON'S PHOTO: i have all of the initial 11 photos. scroll through the list of posts to see them, and when you choose someone, if you dont already have their photo, i can send you the high res version of it. again:
List of peoples pictures on the left!!! List of people working on those pictures on the right!!!
if you dont see your name on the left, please take your picture at a high resolution and email it to
if you dont see your name on the right, please leave a comment on this post so that we can have you get your photo claimed so that two people dont end up accidentally working on the same portrait.
1. Devin ----------
2. Corine --------- Kate
3. Cory --------- Rachel
4. Greg --------- Ben
5. Japheth --------- Cory
6. Kate --------- Mitzi
7. Mitzi --------- Greg
8. Rachel --------- Devin
9. Marie --------- Arianna
10. Arianna ---------
11. Oki ---------
12. Co/Lab monster --------- Everyone!
.For the CO/Lab monster, i am going to be making a large lightly outlined print of this and bringing it to the thursday meeting next week so that everyone can start filling it in and adding to it however possible to make the ultimate collaborated portrait of our logo to hang in the center of the photos.
here again is the basic layout of how this will all look on the wall:

i will hopefully have some materials with me next week too to begin building the frames for these photos. suggestions on how this should be created are appreciated. they can either be painted strips of plywood that are put together to make a frame, or out of mat board. it doesnt really matter, just as long as these all look relatively similar as well.
comment, comment, comment, and keep working!
thanks everyone.
well i haven't started on corine's portrait so kate can take it.
i'll take marie's instead.
shit! i left the print out at work! and im not coming tonight. sorry everyone.
Arianna's photo has been worked on by lex.
i'm working on devin's
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