Thursday, March 13, 2008

Project Updates and ideas

Hey guys, Justin here. So here are my ideas:

Exquisite Chain - a chain reaction style poster based on the idea of exquisite corpse. 
Rusting Statue - Using metal and it's ability to rust to create an interesting sculpture.
Album Covers - Create a series of album covers for fun.
Second Saturday promo - Make a scavenger hunt style game so second saturday people explore the area to find us so they can get a free tshirt.

This is the status of each project:

Exquisite Chain - being slow, need to get the first segment out soon, but don't know how to start. (creators block)
Rusting statue - Drawing and design phase, working with Me, Tracy, and Lex.
Album Covers - New idea, need to find people who want to work on this.
Second Saturday Promo - Need to talk to people about it, but I think it should be easy to pull off. 

So there you go. A very brief and confusing status update for you all. Any questions feel free to ask, but no guarantees my answer will be any better.

- Justin

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