Friday, November 30, 2007

Pecha Kucha

Hey everyone,
After the meeting last night here's some info on the nest Pcha Kucha night in SF. '[It], Vol. 20 will be hosted on December 18th at 330 Ritch.Theme is "Threshold".' Here's the link if you want more info. I think we should go as it's after finals and would get everyone on the same page as to what some of the ideas were.


Ivan W. Lam said...

i recently (yesterday) discovered that it's pronounced "P'chak'cha," which makes sense because it's Japanese. All this time, I keep seeing the world and want to say "Manchu Picchu." Anyway, that is all. :)

k a t e said...

I turn 21 smack on that day! But because of that I'm celebrating at home :/. So I still can't go. Next time!

Milan said...

ooo that makes much more sense, ivan. Me'chak'cha means to make a mess. anyway, i'm down to go!

Ivan W. Lam said...

Happy early birthday Kate!

Oh, and I got a teeny typo with my previous comment: "... I keep seeing the WORD and want to say "Manchu Picchu" ..."